There is a lot happening in the world due to the COVID19 crisis. Today we have sent this important correspondence to our community of trusted and valuable customers. This provides you with information regarding how we are proactively responding to the crisis.
Dear Valued Customer,
With events now moving very quickly regarding the public health crisis of COVID-19 We wish to share with you the steps G&L Plumbing & Gas is taking to protect the health and safety of our staff and most importantly our clients. This is something we are taking very seriously.
Properly maintained plumbing is an essential part of ensuring the COVID-19 pandemic is contained. This means G&L Plumbing & Gas has to be active in the community throughout this crisis which means our tradesmen are at a higher risk than many other occupations.
We are being guided in our response by the advice of the Western Australian Health Department. Current advice suggests that unless you are in one of the particular target groups, there is still no need to avoid normal activities – for now.
We have implemented strict processes for our team to ensure exposure for our tradesmen and clients is kept to a minimum.
– Minimise body contact (no hand shaking etc.)
– Maintain a minimum 1.5m from person to person.
– Sanitise hands before during and after jobs.
– Wear gloves when dealing with waste water.
– Sanitise drainage equipment post works.
We will also be asking the following questions to each client when scheduling the job to ensure the safety of our tradesmen.
1. Have you travelled to Coronavirus affected regions or countries that are deemed to be high-risk by either the Australian or New Zealand Government? (YES/NO)
2. Travelled overseas or inter-state (within the last 14 days)? (YES/NO)
3. Possible contact (working within 1 meter or in an enclosed place for more than 60 minutes) with someone who is a confirmed case of COVID-19 (within the last 14 days)? (YES/NO)
4. Sharing a residence or been in contact with someone who has travelled overseas or interstate (within the last 14 days)? (YES/NO)
(Please be advised that we CANNOT attend unless the below questions are responded to and assessed)
For now, our team is still working as per normal however if a client or tenant feels they need to distance themselves from our tradesmen when on site. Arrangements to collect a key or access the property without the client being present can be arranged. With the piece of mind that the work area will be left clean and germ free.
Thank you for your continued support throughout this unprecedented global crisis.

If you’re in need of a Plumber of Gas Fitter we would be delighted to be of assistance.
Click the button below to access our Job Request form or give us a call on 0447 434 887 if the matter is urgent and we’ll do what we can to find you a solution.